About the TOEFL
How to use this book
Chapter 1 Chemistry (Chronological Order)
1) Marie Curie
2) Ionization
3) Pasteurization
4) The Battery
5) Chemistry in Ancient Greece
6) The Discovery of Elements
7) Alfred Nobel
8) The Periodic Table of the Elements
Chapter 2 Biology (Classification)
1) Genetically Modified Foods
2) Coral Reefs
3) Two Works by Charles Darwin
4) Microorganisms
5) Microscopes
6) Photosynthesis
7) Biofuel
8) The History of Botany
Chapter 3 Culture (Comparison and Contrast)
1) Monoculturalism and Multiculturalism
2) Changes in Marriage
3) The Cowboy
4) Confucianism and Buddhism
5) The Melting Pot
6) Folk Culture
7) Hollywood and Bollywood Movies
8) Spreading Culture through Colonization
Chapter 4 Music (Cause and Effect)
1) Epic Poems and Music
2) Elvis Presley
3) John Williams
4) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
5) The Grammy Awards
6) The Development of the Saxophone
7) Rock and Roll
8) Changes in Classical Music
Chapter 5 Anthropology (Guessing Unknown Words)
1) Lucy
2) The Stone Age
3) Cave Paintings
4) Early Tool Making
5) Margaret Meade
6) The Bering Strait Land Bridge
7) Homo Erectus
8) Hunter-Gatherers
Chapter 6 Weather (Mapping)
1) Weather Fronts
2) Climate
3) El Nino
4) The Barometer
5) Floods and Droughts
6) Winter Weather Conditions
7) Seasonal Changes
8) The Gulf Stream
Chapter 7 Geology (Identifying Cohesive Devices)
1) The Properties of Gold
2) Alfred Wegener and Continental Drift
3) Diamond Formation
4) Caves
5) Strip Mining
6) The Layers of the Earth
7) The Pacific Ring of Fire
8) Glaciation
Chapter 8 Medicine (Outlining)
1) Penicillin
2) Gray¡¯s Anatomy
3) Artificial Hearts
4) William Harvey
5) Vaccines
6) Organ Transplants
7) Cancer
8) Medical Imaging
Actual Test