UNIT 1 A/An 04~07 UNIT 2 Singular and Plural Nouns 08~11 UNIT 3 Subject and Object Pronouns 12~15 UNIT 4 Possessive Adjectives 16~19 UNIT 5 Present Simple of Be ¥° 20~23 UNIT 6 Present Simple of Be ¥± 24~27 UNIT 7 This/These, That/Those 28~31 Revision Units1~7 32~33 UNIT 8 Present Simple ¥° 34~37 UNIT 9 Present Simple ¥± 38~41 UNIT 10 Present Continuous 42~45 UNIT 11 Past Simple of Be 46~49 UNIT 12 Past Simple 50~53 Revision Units 8~12 54~55 UNIT 13 Adjectives and Adverbs 56~59 UNIT 14 Prepositions of Place 60~63 UNIT 15 Conjunctions 64~67 UNIT 16 Modal Verbs 68~71 UNIT 17 Question Words 72~75 UNIT 18 Imperatives 76~79 Revision Units 13~18 80~81