Unit1 Reading Nonfiction Lesson1 Nature's Fury A Dog's Life Lesson2 Dealing With Dollars Race Against the Clock Text Structure:Cause/Effect Lesson3 Wild Winds
Unit2 Text Feature:Special Type Lesson4 Ancient Writing Discovery Sequoyah and the Cherokee Lesson5 Skin and Bones Journey Into the Earth Text Structure:Compare/Contrast Lesson6 Welcome to America!
Unit3 Text Feature:Headings Lesson7 Dirt Fighting off Food Allergies Lesson8 Breaking Barriers La Causa Text Structure:Sequence Lesson9 Mmmm...Chocolate!
Unit4 Text Feature:Diagrams Lesson10 This National Park Could Explode! Ice in Space Lesson11 An Automobile Assembly Line How Footballs Are Made Text Feature:Description Lesson12 Secrets of a Supercolony
Unit5 Text Feature:Charts Lesson13 Endangered and Threatened Species Eye of the "Tiger" Lesson14 Amazing Inventors Secret Code of Battle Text Structure:Problem/Soltion Lesson15 Creatures of the Deep
Unit6 Text Feature:Photos & Captions Lesson16 Bats of the World Bat Buddy Lesson17 All Snowed Inn Dancing With Pride Text Structure:Compare/Contrast Lesson18 Croc Chasers
Unit7 Text Feature:Graphs Lesson19 Consumer Sales A Real Education in Money Lesson20 Did You Hear That? Angels of the Animal ER Text Structure:Description Lesson21 The White House Turned 200!
Unit8 Text Feature:Primary Sources Lesson22 Civil War Treasure Is Shipshape The Melba Pattillo Story Lesson23 George Washington Carver Blizzard Warning! Text Structure:Cause/Effect Lesson24 Attack on the Titanic
Unit9 Text Feature:Maps Lesson25 Standing Tall A New World Lesson26 Arctic Region Race Against Time Text Structure:Problem/Solution Lesson27 Preserving a Proud Past
Unit10 Text Feature:Time Lines Lesson28 Building the Capital Highlights of History-The United States and Its Neighbors Lesson29 Ben Franklin:His Place in History A Time for Inventions Text Structure:Sequence Lesson30 A Soaring Century
Additional Materials Let's Navigate Text Structures