Unit1 Reading Nonfiction Lesson1 Penguin Pullovers Marvelous Machines Lesson2 A New Museum Snow Dogs Text Structure:Problem/Solution Lesson3 Kid Inventors
Unit2 Nonfiction Features Lesson4 Be heart Smart! New Buzz on Bees Lesson5 Jane Goodall:Living With Chimpanzees Mother Bear Man Text Structure:Cimpare/Contrast Lesson6 Dino Time
Unit3 Text Feature:Diagrams Lesson7 Life Underground Hot Spot Lesson8 Pioneer Flatboat The Way West Text Structure:Description Lesson9 Discover the Deep
Unit4 Text Feature:Special Type Lesson10 Problem Pets Animal Invaders Lesson11 Holiday Celebrations Thanksgiving:Myth and Fact Text Structure:Cause/Effect Lesson12 It's Tornado Time
Unit5 Text Feature:Flow Charts Lesson13 From Corn to Cereal A Farmer's Year Lesson14 Evergreen Cones Make Seeds What Is a Food Chain? Text Structure:Sequence Lesson15 From Peanuts to Peanut Butter
Unit6 Text Feature:Headings Lesson16 New Animal Babies: New Hope for the Endangered Trunk Talk Lesson17 Why Do Communities Change? The Mighty Mississippi River Text Structure::Sequence Lesson18 Sea Turtles on the Move
Unit7 Text Feature:Graphs Lesson19 One Person's Trash in a Year Protect the Planet Lesson20 How Fast Do They Run? Danger:High Speed! Text Structure:Compare/Contrast Lesson21 What Is Congress?
Unit8 Text Feature:Time Lines Lesson22 White House Firsts To Lead a New Nation Lesson23 Sports and Games It's Electric! Text Structure:Problem/Solution Lesson24 A Son Remembers
Unit9 Text Feature:Charts Lesson25 Native American State Names Chinese New Year Lesson26 No Two Planets Are Alike Pluto Rocks! Text Structure:Cause/Effect Lesson27 Helping Earth's Animals
Unit10 Text Feature:Maps Lesson28 Regions of the U.S. Powwow Now Lesson29 Florida Hurricane Hunt Text Structure:Description Lesson30 One language,Many Nations
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