4. Why do fish not drown? 5. Why do divers need headlights? 5. Where does grass grow under water? 6. Which animal swims by waving? 6. Why are octopuses like jet planes? 7. Why dose a fish need fins? 8. Which fish uses a rod to catch food? 8. What uses combs for eating? 9. What looks like a flower but is really a trap? 10. Which crab borrows its house? 10. Which shellfish digs with its foot? 11. Why do some fish have their eyes on their side? 12. Why are lionfish like porcupines? 12. Which fish wears armour? 13. What hides in ink? 14. Why do baby dolphins need guards? 15. What jumps up waterfalls? 15. What is busy at full moon? 16. Where can you see smoke? 17. What are sponges? 17. Which animals march in line? 18. Which is the brainiest part of the ocean? 19. What lettuce would make a nasty sandwich? 19. What has a funny home? 20. Why do whales sing? 20. What is spyhopping? 21. What causes strandings? 22. How do dolphins stand up? 22. What is like an elephant? 23. How do seals and sealions keep warm? 24. How do sharks find their food? 24. What is strange about a shark's skeleton? 25. What use is a long tail? 25. How dangerous are sharks? 26. Which fish has binoculars? 27. What looks like the night sky? 27. When is a spider not a spider? 28. Which bird hangs its wings to dry? 28. Why do crabs run sideways? 29. Which lizard goes swimming? 30. What is whale- watching? 31. How can satellites help sea creatures? 31. Who cleans beaches?